Ground School – ATPL Exams – Commercial Pilot Training

The Initial Phase of Becoming a Commercial Pilot: Ground School

Becoming a commercial pilot begins with the commercial pilot training from the ground school. Think of it like the first step in your pilot training journey. Ground school can be tough, but it’s a crucial part of the process. No matter where you study, ground school usually has a similar structure.

If you’re on the integrated route, ground school lasts about five to eight months, and it can be a steep learning curve. During this time, you might find that you don’t have much of a social life. But remember, the more effort you put in, the more rewarding your journey will be. Read about why pilot live near to airport.

Why Is Ground School So Important?

Passing your ground school exams on the first try with high scores is super important. Failing these exams multiple times could really slow down your chances of getting a job as a pilot. It might even limit your options with different airlines connected to your flight school. So, during this phase, it’s crucial to focus and put your social life on hold for a bit. With dedication, you can aim for scores above 90%.

In ground school, you need to study hard and understand each subject well. You can check your knowledge using something called the “question bank,” which is an online resource with lots of exam questions. Keep in mind that some subjects have thousands of questions at different difficulty levels. But relying only on the question bank isn’t enough. It’s also important to take notes, pay attention in class, and ask questions when you’re not sure about something. Once you feel confident with the material, use the question bank to reinforce what you’ve learned.

How To Pass Ground School And Your Commercial Pilot Training

To do well in your ground school and pilot training, you need to study smart and work with your classmates. Your instructors can tell you which parts are most important for the exams. Spend more time on those sections when you study.

Imagine there are 100 questions on a test, but only five are about one thing. It wouldn’t make sense to spend most of your time on that one thing. So, study hard, but also study in a smart way.

Some flight schools offer shared housing for students. For example, I lived in a house with five other students from my class. It’s a good idea to help each other out. If you’re good at certain subjects, like math and physics, help those who might find them tough, especially in topics like Mass Balance and Performance, which involve calculations.

No matter which flight school you pick, ground school has a busy schedule, and it’s one of the busiest parts of the training. The material isn’t too hard, but there’s a lot of it that might show up on the exams.

Here are the subjects you will learn:

  • General Navigation
  • Performance
  • Aircraft General Knowledge
  • Principles of Flight
  • Communication 1
  • Communication 2
  • Radio Navigation
  • Mass and Balance
  • Performance
  • Operations
  • Flight Planning
  • Meteorology
  • Human Performance
  • Air Law

If you focus on the topics that are most likely to come up on the exams and work together with your classmates, you’ll have a better chance of doing well in ground school and your pilot training.

Ground School On The Modular Pilot Training Route

When you decide to follow the Modular pilot training route instead of the Integrated one, you get more time to take your exams. This can help you balance your work and personal life better. You can choose when to study and when to take your exams based on your own schedule, making it easier to manage.

southaficappl- Ground School for the ATPL Exams for Commercial Pilot Training

But even with this flexibility, it’s important to stay organized. If you have too much time between different subjects, it might not be helpful because some topics are related to each other. It’s a good idea to set a realistic schedule that fits your life and allows you to finish the 14 exams while staying in a studying mindset.

Let me tell you about two pilot trainees who finished their 14 ATPL exams in a year while still working full-time jobs. This approach worked for them because they could earn money during the ground school phase. They also got jobs with the same airline in about the same time as those on the integrated course, showing that this route can be successful.

My Experience Of Ground School

Now, as for my own experience with ground school, it was a bit of a mixed experience. I chose the Integrated course right after finishing my A levels, so I was used to a structured learning environment.

But some of my classmates had been in different jobs for 5-10 years before starting pilot training. For them, getting back into a learning mindset was a bit challenging at first. However, they quickly adapted and found study techniques that worked for them, allowing them to pass all 14 exams successfully.

So, if you’re thinking about changing your career to become a pilot, don’t be discouraged by the initial adjustment period. With dedication and the right approach, you can overcome any challenges and reach your goal of becoming a pilot.

Typical Day Of Pilot Training Ground School

A typical day in pilot training ground school began at 7 in the morning. I’d start my day with a good breakfast to get my energy up. Then, I’d drive to the training center, which was just a 15-minute ride from our place. Even though we all had our own cars, we often shared rides.

When we got to the training center, all 20 of us cadets would meet in the café for some morning coffee. At 8 am, we’d head to the classroom to start our lessons. Our days were divided into different subjects, so we didn’t spend the whole day on just one topic.

Some subjects were more interesting than others. For me, Air Law was a bit boring, and some topics didn’t seem very useful for our future as commercial pilots. On the other hand, subjects like Principles of Flight and Aircraft General Knowledge were really exciting. Learning about how airplanes fly and the power of jet engines was very motivating.

We had a few coffee breaks and a good lunch break during the day. Usually, our classes ended around 5 pm. Afterward, we’d either go home to study more or stay in the classroom to review.

I preferred going home after class. I’d take a short break to eat dinner and spend time with friends and family before going back to studying until around 8 pm.

On weekends, we still had to study, but we also made time for fun. We had barbecues, went out to eat, and had a weekly movie night.

The routine could get a bit tiresome, especially in the first four weeks, which felt repetitive. But as we got better at studying, it became easier, and we had more free time.

During this time, I managed to go to the gym two to three times a week. We also went to the local park to play football or watched the World Cup, which happened to be on when we were studying.

Once we passed our first set of exams after three months in ground school, studying got smoother. We had gotten used to the course requirements and were working more efficiently, so no more late-night study sessions.

We were still working hard, but we had learned how to study effectively. It was important to focus on what mattered most because there was a lot to learn. So, we asked our tutors for a clear plan on what to concentrate on. This helped us use our time well and avoid getting exhausted.

If you are taking modular exams, don’t get discouraged. There’s a lot of information available online, especially about the important subjects and subtopics. And remember, the question bank is a helpful resource for getting ready for your exams.

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